Dual Degree Program, A Vision for Global Academic Engagement

August 15, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

The first cohort of UIII’s Dual Degree programs, consisting of 14 students from the Faculty of Islamic Studies, embarks on their educational journey to the University of Edinburgh and SOAS University of London, UK. In a ceremony held on August 14, 2024, reflections from UIII’s faculty and administration reveal the deeper significance of this initiative, indicating that the program represents more than just an academic milestone and symbolizes a strategic vision for international collaboration and scholarly advancement.

Dr. Siti Sarah Muwahidah, the dual degree coordinator from the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Kholoud Alajarma, the Co-convener of MSc Globalised Muslim World also joined online to deliver an academic briefing for the students. This dual degree program was a result of the UIII-UoE partnership project that was initiated by Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan and Dr. Siti Sarah Muwahidah and supported by the British Council.

For Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at UIII, the dual degree program is a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering global academic connections. “This program is not just about sending our students abroad; it’s about integrating UIII into a broader international network of scholarship,” he said.

Meanwhile, Riefqi Muna, PhD UIII’s Head of the UIII Academic Senate, mentioned that “by partnering with renowned institutions like the University of Edinburgh and SOAS, we are positioning UIII as a significant player in the global academic arena.” 

Read also: Discover More About UIII Dual Degree Programs

The program’s design reflects a careful balance between local and international education. Students will spend one year at UIII and one year abroad, a structure that aims to blend UIII’s distinctive educational approach with the diverse perspectives offered by prestigious European universities.

Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, PhD, Acting Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies at UIII, highlighted the program’s potential to enrich both students and faculty. “The opportunity for our students to engage with different academic environments will enhance their critical thinking and research skills. Moreover, the knowledge and experiences they bring back will undoubtedly benefit our entire academic community.”

Meanwhile, Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin, SJD, Head of the Magister Program in Islamic Studies, echoed this sentiment. “Our students will have the chance to contribute to and learn from global conversations in Islamic studies. This exposure is invaluable, as it helps them to develop a more nuanced understanding of their field.” Dr. Mutaqin emphasized the program’s role in shaping future leaders who are well-versed in both local and global contexts. 

Read also: Religious Ministry Helps Monitor the Progress of UIII-Edinburgh Dual Degree Program

For the students themselves, the dual degree program represents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. Abdul Basith, one of the program’s participants, shared his excitement about the journey ahead. “This program is a dream come true. It’s not just about earning two degrees; it’s about gaining a broader perspective on the world and our field of study.”

Asya Dwina Luthfia, another student, reflected on the challenges and rewards of the program. “Studying at UIII has prepared us well, but the chance to experience education for some of us in London and Edinburgh will be transformative. It’s an opportunity to apply what we’ve learned and to contribute to international academic discussions.” 

The dual degree program also signifies a broader institutional goal, strengthening UIII’s global presence. According to Prof. Jamhari Makruf, the Rector of UIII, the program is part of a long-term strategy to build international partnerships and enhance UIII’s reputation as a center of academic excellence. “Our aim is to create a dynamic academic environment that not only attracts scholars from around the world but also prepares our students to excel on a global stage,” he said. 

Read also: UIII Launches Dual Degree Program with University of Edinburgh and SOAS

As UIII continues to expand its international footprint, the dual degree program stands as a landmark achievement, embodying the university’s vision of global engagement and academic excellence. For all involved, it is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of education and the importance of fostering connections that transcend borders.