UIII’s Dual Degree Program Sends 14 Students to Top UK Universities

August 14, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

UIII’s Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIS) achieves a significant milestone as it officially sends the students of its dual degree program, marking an important step in international academic collaboration. On August 14, 2024, a ceremony was held in Depok to celebrate the departure of 14 students who will be studying at the University of Edinburgh and SOAS University of London.

The event was attended by Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs; Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, PhD, Acting Dean of FIS UIII; Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin, SJD, Head of the Magister Program in Islamic Studies; and Ummu Shofiyah from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag RI).

The dual degree program, supported by the Beasiswa Indonesia Bangkit (BIB) scholarships from Kemenag RI, allows students to spend one year at UIII and one year abroad. This program includes eight students going to Edinburgh and six to SOAS, with a 100% success rate.

The students going to the University of Edinburgh are Egi Tanadi Taufik, Sahar, Farisah Shabrina Majahidah, Yusuf Rohmat Yanuri, Ahmad Bayu Setiawan, Muhammad Nuril Fauzan, Asya Dwina Luthfia, and Choirul Ahmad. 

Meanwhile, the students going to SOAS University of London are Muchamad Faiz Ubaidillah, Wildan Rahmat Hidayat, Muhammad Fahmi Reksa Alfarisi, Ayu Puja Lestari, Abd Basith Abdullah, and Mukhammad Hubbab Nauval.

According to Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, the program represents UIII’s commitment to enhancing global academic ties and providing students with valuable international experience. Students will need to complete significant research projects and meet English language proficiency requirements for their degrees.

Abdul Basith Abdullah and Asya Dwina Luthfia, two of the students, expressed their appreciation for the opportunity and reflected on their experiences at UIII. They look forward to the academic challenges and opportunities that the dual degree program will provide.

This initiative underscores UIII’s ongoing efforts to strengthen international partnerships and offer its students unique educational experiences.