Dr. Syafiq Hasyim Explains the Academic System at UIII

September 18, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

In one of the sessions of UIII Convocation Week 2024, Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, the Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, explained the university’s academic system. Moderated by Muammar Kadafi, MA, Head of Academic Administration, the session aimed to orient new students on UIII’s rigorous academic expectations and available resources to support their educational journey.

Dr. Syafiq Hasyim emphasized the university's commitment to maintaining high academic standards, cautioning students against relying heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) tools for their academic work. “If you’re using AI, these things can be detected,” he remarked, assuring students that UIII employs a plagiarism detection tool. “If more than 20 percent of your work is detected as AI, you will be given appropriate disciplinary actions,” he said. 

He also explained the resources and support for students, highlighting that many resources are available to students to assist them in reaching their academic goals. “We have a well-equipped library, and we provide tools like Grammarly to help with your writing,” Dr. Syafiq shared, reinforcing the idea that students have everything they need to succeed at UIII. 

Another critical component of the UIII academic system is the frequency of assignments. "There will be an assignment every week for each course," Dr. Syafiq said, explaining that consistent academic work is essential to the learning process. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining a high grade Point Average (GPA). “The lowest passing grade is C, but we expect our students to aim higher. UIII has set a target minimum GPA of 3.00 for its students. So, if your GPA falls below 3.00, we will evaluate your scholarship," he stated firmly. 

The session provided valuable insights into the academic system at UIII, equipping students with the knowledge they need to succeed. With strong support systems in place, from plagiarism detection to writing tools and frequent assignments, the university is dedicated to fostering a culture of integrity and achievement among its students.