Nizar Lukman Honored for Best Thesis at UIII’s Second Commencement

August 30, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

Among the highlights of UIII second commencement was the awarding of the Best Thesis to Nizar Lukman from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Nizar’s thesis, titled “Examining Patron-Client Dynamics: The US Alliances and Disproportionalities towards South Korea and the Philippines in Cold War Era,” provides a critical analysis of the geopolitical dynamics and complexities of US alliances during the Cold War, offering valuable insights into international relations and historical political strategies.

Nizar began his speech by addressing the esteemed guests, faculty members, fellow graduates, and their families. He introduced himself as a proud son of Sumba, a beautiful island in East Nusa Tenggara, and expressed his shock and deep honor at receiving the Best Thesis Award. “I could never have imagined this moment. It is truly special and undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements of my life,” he said, filled with immense gratitude and excitement.

Nizar extended his deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessings and the opportunity to receive the award. He also thanked the committee for recognizing his work, which he described as not just an academic effort but a personal journey of growth and discovery. “The research process was arduous, but it taught me resilience, critical thinking, and the importance of pursuing one’s passions with diligence and curiosity,” he shared.

He expressed profound gratitude to his advisors, Rifqi Muna, PhD and Nia Deliana, PhD, for their guidance and unwavering support. “Your belief in my work kept me motivated, even during the most challenging times,” Nizar acknowledged. He also thanked his family—his parents, siblings, friends, and his wife whom he married two week prior to graduation day—for their encouragement, understanding, and patience throughout his academic journey.

Reflecting on his time at UIII, Nizar admitted that being a student was not easy, filled with tears, struggles, and moments of sorrow. However, he emphasized the strength he gained from these experiences, quoting a friend’s reminder, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

As he looked to the future, Nizar emphasized that the commencement marked not just an end but a new beginning. He expressed hope that the knowledge and skills gained at UIII would guide him and his fellow graduates in making a positive impact in their respective fields. “I believe that anything is possible. We just need to find a way to make it happen. Here’s to the future we will build together,” he concluded.

Nizar’s journey exemplifies the values and spirit of UIII, showcasing the transformative power of education and the potential for impactful societal contributions. As Nizar and his fellow graduates step into the future, they carry with them the knowledge, resilience, and determination to make meaningful changes in their respective fields.