Meet Top Achievers from the Faculty of Social Sciences

August 28, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi 

Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) proudly announces the outstanding achievements of its second cohort from the Faculty of Social Sciences. This year, the spotlight is on Tri Sulistianing Astuti, Nizar Lukman, and Musa Bah for their exceptional contributions to academia.

Best Graduate: Tri Sulistianing Astuti

Tri Sulistianing Astuti has been named the Best Graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences. As a dedicated student and a mother of three, Tri’s journey has been marked by resilience and determination. Balancing the demands of academic life with the responsibilities of motherhood, she has demonstrated remarkable perseverance. Her ability to excel in her studies while managing her family responsibilities is a testament to her strength and commitment. Tri’s story is an inspiration to many, showcasing that with dedication and hard work, it is possible to achieve academic excellence despite challenging circumstances.

Best Thesis: Nizar Lukman and Musa Bah

The award for the Best Thesis is shared by two exceptional students: Nizar Lukman and Musa Bah.

Nizar Lukman, from the International Relations program, has been recognized for his thesis titled “Examining Patron-Client Dynamics: The US Alliances and Disproportionalities towards South Korea and the Philippines in Cold War Era.” Nizar’s research provides a critical analysis of the geopolitical dynamics and the complexities of US alliances during the Cold War, offering valuable insights into international relations and historical political strategies.

Musa Bah, from the Comparative Politics program, has been honored for his thesis titled “Unravelling the Dynamics of Authoritarian Strategies: A Comparative Study of Soeharto’s New Order in Indonesia and Jammeh’s Rule in the Gambia.” Musa’s work delves into the authoritarian regimes of Soeharto and Jammeh, comparing their strategies and impacts on their respective countries. His research contributes significantly to the understanding of political science and criticism of the mechanisms of authoritarian rule.