UIII Kicks Off Quality Audit to Achieve Excellence in Accreditation

August 01, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

The Center of Quality Assurance (PPM) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) is proactively preparing for both institutional and program accreditations by launching several pre-accreditation activities, including an internal satisfaction survey and the Internal Quality Audit (Audit Mutu Internal or AMI).

Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is a systematic, independent, and documented process designed to verify that the activities within a higher education institution are being conducted per established procedures. The primary goal is to ensure that the outcomes align with the institution’s standards and objectives.

During a meeting on July 17, 2024, UIII Rector Prof. Jamhari emphasized the importance of conducting the Internal Quality Audit and preparing the necessary regulations and SOPs for the process.

“The follow-up measures for the findings generated from AMI must be addressed appropriately. We also need an integrated system to ensure that the AMI process runs smoothly so that it won’t be burdensome for the lecturers involved,” Prof. Jamhari stated.

Meanwhile, Suparto, PhD, Head of the UIII Center of Quality Assurance, highlighted that there are still six study programs requiring accreditation, in addition to the institution itself. “We need solid support from all internal stakeholders to gather the necessary data so that the AMI process can proceed seamlessly,” he explained.

Dr. Suparto further elaborated that in the previous year, AMI activities were conducted primarily to meet program accreditation requirements, albeit with certain limitations. This year, however, the approach to AMI will be significantly enhanced, aiming to make it a truly impactful and substantial initiative for the betterment of UIII. Certified auditors conduct the audit itself to ensure its rigorous process.

Commencing its academic activities in 2021, UIII currently offers ten study programs, four of which have already been accredited, namely MA in Islamic Studies, MA in Political Science, MA in Economics, and MA in Education. This year, UIII aims to secure institutional accreditation and accreditation for six additional programs: PhD in Islamic Studies, PhD in Political Science, PhD in Economics, PhD in Education, Master of Public Policy, and Master of Finance. The accreditation process is expected to be completed by December 2024.