Jakarta -
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat as the Rector
(President) of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII).
Komaruddin has received his appointment decree. "I have received his
presidential decree," Komaruddin told AFP on Tuesday (4/6/2019).
Komaruddin, who was also the Chairperson of the UIII Development Planning, said the university is a PTNBH (state legal institution). He hopes UIII can start the learning and teaching process in 2020.
"It is expected that classes can begin in 2020. We have received several initiatives and cooperation offers from foreign university partners. Including from Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in Islamic studies, they are willing to send their professors. For the initial stage, all students will provided with scholarships for those who meet the requirements, both foreign and Indonesian students, "he said.
Komaruddin said that the physical development and study program of UIII are built in stages within 3 years. He mentioned that there are three main pillars of UIII, namely Graduate studies (MA and PhD), Strategic Research Center, and the Cultural Center.
The UIII campus, said Komaruddin, is currently built on 140 hectares of land. But the former Chancellor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta said that building construction will be no more than 30 percent of the land area.
"The rest is a green open space as water absorption in accordance with the Depok regional government regulations. Previously the land was controlled by RRI (the Radio of the Republic of Indonesia), then transferred to the Ministry of Religion, because its use was not optimal. Only to build broadcast towers.
In the future, the RRI tower will still be there with the latest technology, " he explained.
This article has been published on detik.com with the title “Jokowi Tunjuk Prof Komaruddin Hidayat Jadi Rektor UIII” https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4576319/jokowi-tunjuk-prof-komaruddin-hidayat-jadi-rektor-uiii
Tuesday, 04 Juni 2019, 18:02 WIB
Haris Fadhil - detikNews