Behind the Scenes of UIII’s 2024 Summer Training

August 21, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono

The success of the Summer Training on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (STQ2M) at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FOSS), Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), is no coincidence. It is the culmination of meticulous planning, teamwork, and the unwavering dedication of individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes.

As Dr. Philips Vermonte, Dean of FOSS, noted, "Now in its third year, this flagship program has grown into a premier event, attracting participants from leading campuses across Indonesia." But what does it take to bring this program to life?

From Vision to Execution

When Dr. Testriono, the convenor of this year’s STQ2M, began planning the event in February, he knew it would be a monumental task. “The scale of this training is unlike anything else,” he remarked. “We’re running 18 modules over two and a half months, with participants and instructors from across the country and internationally. Coordinating this requires a high level of organization and commitment.” 

Drawing from previous experiences, the planning for the 2024 STQ2M began almost a year in advance. Dr. Testriono, along with Dr. Sirojuddin Arif who was the convener of the 2023 STQ2M, focused on selecting the right speakers and designing modules to meet the diverse needs of the participants.

“We wanted to ensure that our curriculum was comprehensive, covering both qualitative and quantitative methods at various levels of expertise,” Dr. Testriono explained. “This required not only a deep understanding of the academic content but also the ability to anticipate logistical needs.”  

The Power of Collaboration

One of the most significant challenges of organizing the STQ2M is managing the collaboration between UIII and external institutions. This year, the module on “Survey and Sampling” was co-hosted by the Perhimpunan Survei dan Opini Publik Indonesia (Persepi), which also provided sponsorship for the event.

“Partnerships like the one we have with Persepi are crucial,” said Philips Vermonte. “They not only bring in additional resources but also enhance the credibility and reach of our program.” The total number of participants has jumped from 133 last year to 205 this year, with some taking up to 10 modules at once.

In addition to Persepi, the STQ2M benefits from the personal networks and expertise of instructors from esteemed universities such as Cornell University, UGM, UI, and UNY. Coordinating the schedules of these experts, ensuring their travel and accommodation needs are met, and providing the necessary resources for delivering high-quality training is no small feat.

“It’s a complex dance,” said Testriono, the convernor of the program. “But when everything comes together, it’s incredibly rewarding.” The hard work of bringing together prominent scholars such as Tom Pepinsky, Aichiro Suryo Prabowo, and Harry Dienes (Cornell University), Ratri Istania (NIPA School of Administration/STIA LAN), Wahyu Prasetyawan, Iim Halimatussa'diyah (UIN Jakarta), Andry Alamsyah (Telkom University), and M. Zamzam Fauzanafi (UGM), among others, is crucial and a testament to their commitment. 

A Dedicated Team

Behind the scenes, a dedicated team from FOSS works tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the event. The logistics of the STQ2M are staggering. With nearly 70 participants in the “Survey and Sampling” module alone, and hundreds more spread across other modules, team members like Syahrul, Sarah, Maulida, and Rida at FOSS are responsible for everything from participant registration and classroom setup to promoting the programs via social media.

“Managing the day-to-day operations of this training is like running a small company,” said one of the FOSS staff members. “We’re coordinating between different faculties, dealing with participants, and ensuring that everything runs on time. It’s challenging, but we’re committed to making this event a success.” 

Looking Forward

As the STQ2M approaches its conclusion on August 16th, 2024, Testriono and his team are already looking ahead to next year’s program. “We’re constantly learning and improving,” he said. “Each year, we get better at anticipating challenges and finding solutions. We hope to continue expanding this program, possibly working with even more faculties within UIII and reaching an even broader audience.”

The 2024 STQ2M stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and dedication. It’s a shining example of what can be achieved when a group of committed individuals work together towards a common goal. As the program continues to grow and evolve, it will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of UIII’s commitment to academic excellence and social engagement.