UIII’s Benchmarking Visit to H3C Headquarters and Tianjin University for Digital Tranformation in Education

September 25, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono

BEIJING & TIANJIN, September 21, 2024 – In a bid to enhance its digital ecosystem and further its commitment to innovative education, the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) delegation embarked on a benchmarking visit to the H3C Headquarters in Beijing and Tianjin University, China.

This visit, led by Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar and Yanuar Firdaus Arie Wibowo, ST, MT focused on exploring the latest advancements in digital transformation solutions, cloud computing, and AI platforms, all of which are critical in shaping the future of higher education.

Exploring Digital Innovation at H3C Headquarters

At the H3C Innovation Center in Beijing, the UIII delegation was introduced to groundbreaking digital solutions designed to support smart education and research. H3C, a global leader in the field, presented its cutting-edge Digital Brain Servers and Digital Intelligence Platform. “These technologies integrate cloud infrastructure and AI to enhance digital transformation across industries, including education,” said Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar, acting Vice Rector for Planning, Finance and Business Development.

For over two decades, H3C has been at the forefront of smart education, evolving both the concept and its application within higher education. Their solutions, powered by cloud platforms and AI, have revolutionized academic environments, making them more adaptive and responsive to the ever-changing technological landscape. 

A Case Study in Higher Education Innovation at Tianjin University

The next leg of the visit took the delegation to Tianjin University, where they explored how the university leverages H3C’s digital platforms to boost their academic services and research computing infrastructure. Tianjin University’s partnership with H3C has led to the development of the H3Cloud OS Education, an innovative platform that serves as a model for other institutions seeking to adopt self-operated cloud services.

Tianjin University’s robust IT infrastructure supports not only cloud computing but also advanced security solutions, data backup, and Software-Defined Networking (SDN). “With over 60 cloud services deployed across 1.57 million square meters of wireless network space and more than 600 campus applications, the university stands as a testament to the possibilities of large-scale digital integration,” said Yanuar Firdaus Arie Wibowo, the Head of IT Office at UIII.