Welcoming the Pilgrim of Hope: Indonesian Muslim Leaders Embrace Pope Francis

September 03, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Atia Adjani

JAKARTA -- In a remarkable demonstration of interfaith harmony, 33 prominent Indonesian Muslim figures, including the esteemed Rector of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), Prof. Dr. Jamhari, have come together to welcome Pope Francis with a special book titled "Salve, Peregrinans Spei!" — which translates to "Greetings to You, Pilgrim of Hope!" This publication coincides with the Pope's historic visit to Indonesia from September 3 to 5, 2024, and marks a significant moment that highlights Indonesia's dedication to pluralism and religious tolerance.

This book is more than just a gesture of welcome; it reflects Indonesia's deep-rooted tradition of embracing diversity. With contributions from leaders of Muslim organizations, scholars, and activists, the book serves as a testament to the country’s commitment to promoting interfaith dialogue and ensuring social justice for all citizens.

Willem L. Turpijn, Secretary of the Frans Seda Foundation and one of the book’s editors, emphasized the significance of this initiative. "The arrival of Pope Francis is an opportunity for Indonesia to strengthen inclusive and enlightening interfaith dialogue," Turpijn stated in his official remarks. He hopes that the essays and reflections within the book will spark deeper discussions on religious issues, both within Indonesia and globally.

The book, titled "Salve, Peregrinans Spei! Greetings to You, Pilgrim of Hope! Indonesian Muslim Figures and the Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis," is the result of a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Frans Seda Foundation, the Faculty of Ushuluddin at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, the Indonesian Youth Hope Foundation, and Unika Atma Jaya. Supported by the publisher Buku Kompas, the book was impressively compiled in under three months — a testament to the dedication and urgency felt by its creators.

Prof. Ismatu Ropi, one of the editors who is also the Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta, says that “among the contributors are some of Indonesia’s most influential Muslim leaders, including Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, Secretary General of Muhammadiyah’s Central Leadership, and Hamdan Zoelva, President of the Central Leadership/Laznah Tanfidziyah Syarikat Islam and former Chief Justice of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court.” These figures are joined by young, popular and other notable contributors such as Habib Ja'far Al Hadar, a preacher and interfaith dialogue content creator.

These leaders have crafted a narrative that not only welcomes Pope Francis but also showcases Indonesia's deep commitment to fostering an environment where different faiths can coexist peacefully. Their writings aim to serve as a beacon of hope in a world often marred by religious conflict, emphasizing that dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect are key to building a just and inclusive society.

As Pope Francis embarks on his journey to Indonesia, this book stands as a symbolic offering from the nation's Muslim community — a reminder that despite religious differences, the shared values of humanity, justice, and peace can unite us all.

Prof. Jamhari, who played a pivotal role as a contributor, is a key figure in Indonesia’s efforts to foster interfaith dialogue. His participation in the creation of this book underscores UIII's commitment to being at the forefront of global Islamic education and its engagement with broader religious communities. Prof. Jamhari’s contribution is not merely symbolic; it reflects his belief in the power of dialogue and mutual respect between different faiths as essential to building a more peaceful and just society.