UIII and Abu Dhabi's HCHF Seal an MoU to Advance Global Interfaith Collaboration

September 03, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) and the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity (HCHF) have formalized their partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on September 3, 2024, by UIII Rector Prof. Dr. Jamhari and HCHF Secretary-General Dr. Khalid Ghanim Al-Ghaith.

HCHF is an independent international committee established to promote the values of human fraternity globally. It was created based on the Document on Human Fraternity, which was co-signed by His Holiness Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Professor Ahmed Al-Tayeb on February 4, 2019, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. 

Read also: The Visit of H.E. Khalid Ghanim Alghaith of UAE to UIII

The UIII- HCHF partnership aims to bolster cooperation in various academic and cultural domains, including research, student and faculty exchanges, and international conferences. The MoU outlines a broad range of collaborative activities, reflecting the shared commitment of both institutions to promoting tolerance, pluralism, and intercultural understanding. 

"This partnership is not just about academic collaboration. It is about building bridges between cultures and fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse religious and cultural heritage that we all share," said Prof. Dr. Jamhari. 

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The agreement covers multiple areas of cooperation, including joint research projects, cultural activities, and the exchange of educational materials. Both parties have expressed their enthusiasm for the potential impact of this partnership, particularly in enhancing the global academic recognition of Indonesian Islamic civilization and the promotion of a more tolerant and inclusive global society. 

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This MoU marks a new chapter in the relationship between UIII and HCHF, paving the way for future initiatives that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of the human fraternity on a global scale. The MoU came after the visit of HCHF’s delegation to the UIII Campus in Depok, West Java in July 2024.