UIII and Al-Azhar Egypt to Foster Indonesia's Global Islamic Education Impact

June 22, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono

UIII, DEPOK – On a serene Saturday morning, June 22nd, 2024, the campus of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) buzzed with anticipation. The university was about to receive one of its most distinguished visitors to date: Professor Dr. Muhammad adh-Dhuwaini, Deputy Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar University in Egypt. His visit is not just a diplomatic gesture; it is a milestone that signifies UIII's growing influence in the realm of Islamic education.

As the Deputy Grand Sheikh of one of the oldest and most revered universities in the world, Dr. Muhammad adh-Dhuwaini's presence underscored the existing connections between UIII and Al-Azhar. These ties have flourished through a series of academic collaborations, which have increasingly elevated UIII's standing in the global educational arena.

In his welcoming address, UIII Rector Professor Jamhari spoke with pride and gratitude. He acknowledged the pivotal role Al-Azhar has played in nurturing generations of scholars and leaders who have made significant contributions to Islamic civilization. “We are immensely grateful to Al-Azhar University for its unwavering support and the profound impact it has had on the Islamic world,” he said.

Dr. Muhammad adh-Dhuwaini began his remarks by expressing his gratitude. “Allow me to express my gratitude and appreciation to the university president for this invitation to give a speech. We thank them for their warm reception and generous hospitality. Also, our thanks and appreciation to the nation of Indonesia, its people, and its government.”

He conveyed greetings from Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and highlighted Al-Azhar's enduring role as a beacon of knowledge and scholarship. “Al-Azhar has remained a beacon of knowledge and scholars throughout the ages. Greetings from Ahmed Al-Tayeb, and his prayers for goodness and blessings upon you for the blessing of having Al-Azhar in the life of the nation.”

This collaboration is more than just symbolic. Since 2023, UIII has been privileged to host two esteemed professors from Al-Azhar who have been instrumental in enriching its academic programs. This includes the newly established master's program in Classical Islamic Studies (MA in Takhassus Turath), which is unique in Southeast Asia and even in the Asia Pacific region.

Dr. M. Ilyas Marwal, Head of the Master's Program in Classical Islamic Studies, expressed his excitement about this partnership. “For our Takhassus Turath program, this collaboration represents a significant leap forward. UIII stands alone in offering such a specialized postgraduate program outside the Middle East. This is truly 'one of a kind,’” he noted.

The importance of this visit was further emphasized by Dr. Chaider S. Bamualim, UIII’s University Secretary. He remarked that the continuous stream of international guests, such as Professor Dr. Muhammad adh-Dhuwaini, is a testament to UIII's commitment to maintaining high academic and research standards. “Our frequent interactions with prominent figures from global institutions highlight the strong international support we enjoy,” he commented.

Professor Dr. Muhammad adh-Dhuwaini's visit was punctuated by a public lecture titled "The Role of Al-Azhar in Preserving Arabic and Islamic Literary Traditions." The lecture provided attendees with deep insights into Al-Azhar's efforts in safeguarding and promoting Arab traditions and culture, drawing from Sheikh Adh-Dhuwaini's extensive expertise in Islamic history and jurisprudence. He emphasized, “Moderation is the essence of Islam. Some have taken the concept of moderation out of its true meaning, following whims and misguidance, and some of them with severity. It is a balanced approach in viewing the human being, who is the center of the messages. And no monasticism.”

UIII, established as part of Indonesia's National Strategic Project, has a mission that extends beyond education. It aims to represent Indonesia on the global stage, promoting a moderate and peaceful interpretation of Islam. Since its inception in 2021, UIII has made significant strides, offering eleven postgraduate programs and attracting students from across the globe. This year, 354 students, including 124 international students from 31 countries, are enrolled at UIII.

The collaboration between UIII and Al-Azhar University is not just an academic partnership; it is a beacon of Indonesia's commitment to advancing Islamic education globally. As UIII continues to grow and expand its reach, it stands as a testament to Indonesia's potential to influence and shape the future of Islamic education.