Competing Visions Emerge as UIII Rector Candidates Present Development Strategies

May 27, 2024

UIII, DEPOK – On Monday, May 27, 2024, three candidates for the position of Rector at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) presented their strategic visions to the UIII Board of Trustees and its academic community. Held in the Lecture Hall of the UIII Rectorate Building, the event aimed to generate a comprehensive understanding of each candidate's vision and strategic plans to bring UIII toward a global innovative milestone.

Each candidate had 30 minutes to present their vision and respond to questions from the panelists consisting of the Chairman of the UIII Board of Trustees Dr. M. Jusuf Kalla, Secretary Mr. Adamas Belva Syah Devara, and Head of the UIII Academic Senate Dr. M. Rifqi Muna. The panel also featured representatives from four ministries, namely Prof. Dr. Abu Rokhmad, M.Ag. from the Ministry of Religious Affairs; Mr. Muhsin Syihab from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Andin Hadiyanto, Ph.D., from the Ministry of Finance; and Prof. Faiz Syuaib, from the Ministry of Education and Culture. 

The first candidate to present was Prof. Jamhari, M.A., Ph.D., followed by Prof. Dr. M. Arskal Salim, M.Ag., and lastly Prof. Muhammad Zuhdi, M.Ed., Ph.D. The presentation order was determined through a fair and transparent draw, where each candidate in alphabetical order was asked to select numbers from 1 to 3 in a fishbowl. 

In addition to the panelists, members of the UIII academic community, including deans, lecturers, staff, and students attending the event, were invited to provide comments on each candidate through a feedback form, which will be added as a crucial consideration in the final decision-making process. 

At the event, Dr. Chaider S. Bamualim, Chair of the UIII Rector Selection Committee, expressed his gratitude and thanked God for a successful presentation by the UIII Rector candidates. "We have fulfilled our mandate to the best of our ability, following the regulations set forth by the Board of Trustees and the UIII Statutes," he said. He commended the nine-member committee for their hard work throughout the process. "We are committed to the UIII community," he said, "and this selection process is a key step in ensuring a more advanced and dynamic future for the university."

Following the presentations of the candidates, the UIII Board of Trustees is expected to hold a closed meeting to decide who will be appointed as the Rector of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia for the service period of 2024-2029.