Sr. Lucy Finds Inspiration in UIII's Three Pillars

June 15, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

Sr. Lucy Nguyen Thi Mien, a Vietnamese participant in the Asia Pacific Theological Encounter Program (APTEP) 2024 confessed that her time at UIII has been a remarkable journey toward understanding moderate and peaceful Islam.

She testified that this was her very first encounter with Muslim communities. Before joining the program, she only heard very limited information about Islam, and hence her experience at UIII is beyond her expectation, as it has shifted her paradigm in viewing the religion.

“In just three days here, we have had the opportunity to engage with speakers from Islam and this university. This has truly opened our minds, particularly regarding the culture, traditions, and daily practices of Islam […] I am really happy to have had the chance to learn about other religions firsthand, rather than through the media or by simply listening to others,” she testified.

Sr. Lucy also conveyed her impression of UIII infrastructure, especially on the philosophy behind the Three Pillars Plaza consisting of the UIII Rectorate Building, the UIII Central Library and the Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamien Mosque, each of which represents UIII values. The library represents knowledge, the Mosque constitutes faith, and the rectorate building embodies leadership.

“I really appreciate the structure here, especially the building with the three pillars connecting faith, leadership, and knowledge. I was truly inspired by the explanation […] I had never thought about these connections, even in relation to the library […] I even joked with my friends that if our library looks like this I will stay in the library for the research,” Sr. Lucy giggly said.

Sr. Lucy Nguyen Thi Mien was among 20 participants of APTEP 2024 hosted at the UIII campus by the Jesuit Among Muslim in Asia (JAMIA) in collaboration with the Loyola School of Theology of the School of Humanities at the Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines. 

Dr. (Romo) Gregorius Soetomo SJ, the program coordinator, explained that the program is to introduce the participants to the real face of Muslim communities, and further to live and socially interact with them on day-to-day basis, hoping to increase the mutual understanding between Muslims and Catholics. 

Read Also: Religious Harmony at UIII Through APTEP Program 2024