UIII Inaugurates Three Officials as the New Heads of Centers and Office

May 20, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono

UIII, DEPOK – On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) inaugurated three new officials to fill in the key administrative positions, namely the Head of the Center of Quality Assurance, Head of the Center of Information Technology, and Head of the Media and Communication Office.

The oath-tacking ceremony was held at the Procession Hall of the UIII Rectorate Building in Depok, West Java, and led by Rector Prof. Jamhari. In his remarks, Prof. Jamhari highlighted the significance of these appointments in enhancing the university's administrative and academic excellence.

“You have witnessed [today] the inauguration of three individuals who have actually been with us since a long time ago; since we started with scratching with the proposal, but, now with even harder responsibility,” Prof. Jamhari said.

Mr. Suparto, Ph.D. has been appointed as the Head of the Center of Quality Assurance. He previously worked as a dedicated academic at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. He graduated from Flinders University and Monash University, Australia.

Mr. Yanuar Firdaus Arie Wibowo, MT, fills the position of the Head of the Center of Information Technology. Earlier served as a data science expert and academic at Telkom University, Bandung, Mr. Wibowo is a graduate of Gadjah Mada University and the Indonesian Islamic University, Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dadi Darmadi, MA—a Fulbright scholar and a graduate of Harvard University—has been inaugurated as the Head of UIII’s Media and Communication Office. He was a former director of the International Office of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and a researcher at the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM).

Prof Jamhari expressed that the newly inaugurated officials have their respective challenges. The Center of Quality Assurance is expected to increase UIII’s global recognition with international accreditation. Meanwhile, the Center of Information Technology is expected to help with the university’s digitalization process to make it a “smart campus”. In the meantime, the Media and Communication Office is expected to enhance the university’s image and reputation internationally.

The appointments of the three officials mark a significant step in UIII’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its institutional capabilities and improve the quality of education and research at the university.