UIII welcomed two lecturers from Al-Azhar University

September 11, 2023

Contributor: Achmad Jatnika | Editor: Ari Stoltze

Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) recently welcomed two lecturers from Al-Azhar University, Egypt. The two lecturers, Dr. Abdelrahman Muhammad Ahmad Hamid (Lecturer in Tafsir and Al-Quran Science) and Dr. Ahmad Hassan Waked (Lecturer of Hadith and Hadith Science), will commence teaching at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UIII, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, stated that the arrival of Dr. Abdelrahman and Dr. Ahmad was the result of ongoing cooperation between UIII and Al-Azhar University. He had been anticipating the arrival of these two lecturers for a long time.

Prof. Komaruddin sees that this campus will continue solidifying its position as a center for Islamic studies and further developing its expertise in thurat. “We want alumni from this campus to deepen the historical roots of Islamic content, which is linked and dialogued with contemporary issues. For friends who want to visit here, anytime, welcome to campus UIII,” he said.

Dr. Abdelrahman said that his ambition in Indonesia, especially at UIII, was to share the knowledge and experience he had gained at Al-Azhar University. He told us that Al-Azhar has a mission to lecture about tolerant Islamic treatise (wasatiyyah).

"This is also the order of the Grand Sheikh Al Azhar and the Chancellor of Al-Azhar University to send us to Muslim-friendly countries like Indonesia, especially as Indonesia also has an interest in teaching Islam, which is correct and following the message taught by Al-Azhar and does not contradict it," he said.

He is interested in coming to Indonesia and UIII because, according to his vision, UIII will become an advanced and cultured university. The spirit that the Rector of UIII, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, brings to the university is one of the motivating reasons behind r his arrival. One of his missions in coming to UIII is to help and support the Rector and lecturers to realize this university’s purpose, vision, and mission.

“We will certainly be with them, helping and supporting them to realize their goals together to achieve the vision and mission of this campus, and hopefully, this campus will become a world pioneer campus, become the educational destination of all students in the world, may Allah give success to all of us,” he stated,

Meanwhile, Dr. Ahmad Hassan said that UIII is a well-known university that upholds the wasatiyyah. By that spirit, he foresees that UIII will be one of the universities combining classic and contemporary Islamic thought.

“I came to carry out teaching and research activities at the UIII campus in the field of hadith, as it is known that UIII is a magnificent campus and takes part in wasatiyyah thinking and brilliant scientific methodology in the world, which can combine classical and contemporary Islamic thought. We will try our best to participate in building this campus in our capacity as lecturers on the UIII campus,” he said.