Prof. Nina Nurmila, Ph.D. (Dean of the Faculty of Education)
Prof. Nurmila is a Professor of Gender and Islamic Studies at the State Islamic University (UIN) Bandung. Her first degree was in Islamic Education from IAIN SGD Bandung (1992), her MA was from Murdoch University (1997) and her Ph.D. was from the University of Melbourne (2007). She was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA (2000), Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Technology, Sydney (2008), and Fulbright Visiting Professor of Islamic Studies at University of Redlands, California, USA (2008-9). She was also a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Western Sydney (2013) and the University van Amsterdam (2015). She is the author of Women, Islam and Everyday Life: Renegotiating Polygamy in Indonesia (London; New York: Routledge, 2009&2011). She wrote several articles on gender and Islam in the international journals and book chapters published for example at Routledge (London& New York), Brill (the Netherlands), University of Amsterdam Press (the Netherlands), and Demeter (Canada).
Vice-Rector for Academic, Student Affairs, and Human Resource UIII. He got his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago with a specialization in psychometrics and statistical analysis. His MA was from the University of Pittsburgh, and his first degree was from the Bandung Institute of Teacher Training and Education (now Education University of Indonesia, Bandung). He teaches classical and modern psychometric theory, the construction of the psychological instruments, and psychological research methodology.
He is a former Secretary-General to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and has held various positions in the Ministry of Education and Culture, including as Director of the Center for Educational Assessment, Secretary of Directorate General for Teachers and Education Personnel, and Secretary of the National Board of School Accreditation. Dr. Hayat is now an Education Specialist in the TASS program (Technical Assistance for Education System Strengthening) and also recently commenced as an Islamic Education Adviser on DFAT’s Pathways program in the Philippines (Education Pathways for Peace in Mindanao) where Dr. Hayat is advising the newly autonomous Bangsamoro government on regulating the Islamic education sector.
Dr. Didin finished his doctoral degree in Values and Culture in Education, Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University with a dissertation entitled “In Search of a Citizenship Education Model for a Multireligious Indonesia”. His MA is in Islamic Studies from McGill University and BA from Arabic Education, Faculty of Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. His research interest is in diversity and Islamic education. His publications include a book chapter in Hamid Nasuhi et all (Eds.) Intoleransi dalam Buku Pendidikan Islam? (Intolerance in Islamic Education Textbooks?), Jakarta: Prenada, 2018. The other appears in a book that Didin Syafruddin et all edited, Potret Guru Agama: Pandangan tentang Toleransi dan Isu-isu Keagamaan (Perception of Islamic Education Teachers on Tolerance and Religious Issues), Jakarta: Prenada, 2018.
With Masooda Bano, Didin also wrote Study on Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools in Indonesia, Jakarta: Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016. Didin is currently Director of Research of Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat/PPIM (Center for the Study of Islam and Society) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Since 2017, he has engaged in research on Islamic education in preventing violent extremism. In 2018, Didin Syafruddin, PhD participated in Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E) in South and South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur; in 2018, Australia fellowship on University Governance; 2017 Workshop on Islam and Radicalism.
Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, Ph.D.
Dr. Tati is the Head of the MA in Education program. Dr. Tati was a Fulbright recipient of a master’s degree at Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, and earned a Ph.D. from the School of Education and Human Ecology at Ohio State University. Her article published in Reading Horizons was included in the 2021 Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English of NCTE that has been carefully selected by literacy luminaries.
Dr. Tati has authored chapters on children’s literature and student teachers’ reading engagement in two books published by Rowman & Littlefield, USA. Dr. Tati serves as an external review board in the Journal of Literacy and Language Education (JOLLE) of the University of Georgia and has reviewed articles in several international journal publications. Tati’s expertise in literacy education has been central to the literacy education roadmap at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) especially in devising the conceptualization and development of literacy education (GTK) and literacy access program (Badan Bahasa and Puskurbuk). Her opinion essays on literacy education have been published in Kompas (e.g., Pedagogi menapis misinformasi [Pedagody filters misinformation] in 2020) and Koran Tempo (“Paradigma baru pendidikan literasi” [New paradigm of literacy education] in 2013). Prior to UIII, Tati served as a lecturer at the Master of English Education program at Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia.
Dr. Sumintono is an expert on educational policy and educational management. He graduated from the Master of Educational Administration program, Flinders University, Australia supported by Australian Development Scholarship in 2001. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Educational Policy from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, with a scholarship from New Zealand Agency for International Development in 2007. Previously he worked as a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Malaya, in Malaysia. He wrote two textbooks about the application of Rasch modeling for social sciences research in Indonesian. Dr. Sumintono is also an editorial board member of the Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability journal; and Pacific Rims Objective Measurement Society (PROMS) board member.
Dr. Rizkyanti has expertise in Human Developmental Psychology, Character Building, and Integrity. Her research that is focused on empathy has been presented at several international conferences (IAFOR - Tokyo, KIBSS - Seoul, etc) and published in international and national reputation journals. Her empathy research has also taken her as a keynote speaker at International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology, India in September 2021. In March 2021, she won a grant for Digital Module Innovation from the Ministry of Education and Culture. As a leader in her team, she has developed a website called “Ayo Berempati di Media Sosial” which can be accessed on desktop and mobile. She is a reviewer of the Jurnal Psikologi Gunadarma, Jurnal Psikologi Sosial Universitas Indonesia, Journal Humanisma: Journal of Gender Study – IAIN Bukitting, and Jurnal Abdi Implementasi Pancasila, Universitas Pancasila. Dr. Charyna graduated with a Master of Arts and a Ph.D. degree in Human Developmental Psychology, from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Dr. Destina Wahyu Winarti completed her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education at the University of Canberra, Australia, Faculty of Education. Prior to her Ph.D. study, she completed two Master’s degrees in mathematics and realistic mathematics education. Respectively from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). For the latter, part of her study was taking place in The Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She has extensive experience in the education field, namely as a mathematics teacher and a lecturer at the institute for teacher training, and lesson designer in her Master's and Ph.D. studies, where she also provided training for participating teachers prior to the design implementation at schools. In addition, she was a reviewer for module development and facilitator for teachers' professional development (PD) on the Government Partnership for Development (GPFD) project in West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia (funded by DFAT, Australia). Prior to joining UIII, she was an e-Learning program lead at Tanoto Foundation, a philanthropy organization in Indonesia. She and her team maintained and nurtured a digital platform for teachers' training and organized online training for teachers from more than 15 provinces in Indonesia.
Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim is currently working as a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Previously he was a researcher for the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI). Lukman has completed his bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, master's degree from the Faculty of Psychology University of Jamia Millia Islamia, and a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. His educational background is in social psychology and organizational psychology. His research passion is on human development, cognitive psychology, group decision making, and policy analysis. Lukman has long experience in the making process of national public policy. He has written policy papers in accordance with issues or policies concerned by DPR RI. He has been involved in the making of policy papers for the bill on the organization of hajj, search and rescue, mental health, social worker, cultural heritage, disaster management, and the elderly. At the Faculty of Education of UIII, he teaches Educational Policy Analysis (MA), Human Development and Education (MA), Graduate Seminar on Educational Management and Leadership (Ph.D.), and Graduate Seminar on Education Policy (Ph.D.)