Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Sengkang Visit Yields Promising Outcomes

August 12, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Achmad Jatnika

Depok, August 12, 2024 – Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) welcomed a delegation from Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Sengkang, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, for an academic visit and networking session. The event took place on Monday, August 12, 2024, in the Theatre Room of the Faculty A Building on the UIII campus.

The visit, initiated at the request of the Acting Director of Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Sengkang, aimed to foster academic collaboration and strengthen ties between the two institutions. The delegation comprised 100 students and three teachers, led by Drs. KH. Idman Salewe, M.Th.I, the Sheik of Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Sengkang. 

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UIII’s University Secretary, Dr. Chaider S. Bamualim, along with Saiful Umam, Ph.D., Director of Research and Strategic Cooperation, Dadi Darmadi, MA, Head of Media and Communication Office, Prof. Syamsu Rijal, Head of PhD Program of the  Faculty of Islamic Studies, Dr. M. Ilyas Marwal, MM, DESA, Coordinator of the Takhassus in Islamic Studies Program, and Dr. Ahmad Hassan Waked, a visiting Lecturer of Hadith and Hadith Science from Al-Azhar University, warmly welcomed the delegation.

In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Chaider S. Bamualim expressed his pleasure in hosting the delegation, stating, “we are delighted to have you on our campus and hope that in the future, some of your students will join us here. This campus represents the vision of our founding fathers and the Indonesian government to establish a world-class university where students from around the globe come to study Islam. Our mission is to position Indonesia as a leading center of and credible reference for the study of Islam.” 

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Meanwhile, Drs. KH. Idman Salewe shared his gratitude, expressing admiration for the campus infrastructure. “We have seen UIII only on social media, and today we witness it with our own eyes. Entering this campus has been a remarkable experience, and we are here to learn from this university, hoping to inspire us to be better in the future,” he said.

The event also featured a presentation showcasing UIII’s academic programs and initiatives by Dadi Darmadi, followed by an interactive Q&A session where participants discussed potential collaborations and academic interests. The visit concluded with the exchange of souvenirs and a group photo session, as well as a campus tour including the UIII Central Library, Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamien Mosque, Rectorate and Faculty buildings.