Professor Jamhari Makruf is Vice Rector of the Indonesian International Islamic University (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia). He was previously a lecturer and Deputy Rector (Academic) at the Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta. Having received a PhD in anthropology from the Australian National University, Professor Jamhari is a reputed researcher on Islamic studies with a focus on the installation of democracy in Islamic society and Muslim's compatibility with civil society. Among his current interests and concerns is the aggravated poverty in rural areas as an underlying root cause for the upsurge of religious fundamentalism. Professor Jamhari facilitates the interdisciplinary research activities of PPIMUIN Jakarta, which are designed to enhance mutual understanding between Muslims and nonMuslims. He grapples with injustice against Muslim communities due to misperceptions, and explores the contemporary significance of Islam through the linkage with Western value systems. His publications include Islamic Contemporary Movement: The Rise of Islamic Radicalism.