Dr. Afrimadona holds Ph.D. in Political Science from Northern
Illinois University, USA, and MA in International Relations from
Australian National University. He teaches Statistics for Political
Analysis at UIII. He also
teaches political science and international
relations at UPN Veteran Jakarta, in the International Relations Study program.
Currently, he is also the Executive Director of Populi Center, a well-known
opinion survey agency in Jakarta. He holds a Master degree from the Australian
National University and a Ph.D. degree from the Northern Illinois University
with the specialization in International Relations and Political Behavior. He
has a wide interest in international relations theory, comparative political
economy, research methods (econometrics/quantitative methods and case study).
His publications have appeared in various journals including Contemporary
Politics, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Nonproliferation Review,
Malaysian Journal of Social Science and Humanities. He can be reached by email at afrimadona@uiii.ac.id.