Glocalverse Collaboration in Fostering Wasatiyyah Islam

Banten, September 28, 2024—UIII’s Faculty of Islamic Studies in partnership with the Faculty of Da’wah at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten hosted a symposium under the theme “Glocalverse: Horizons of Wasatiyyah Across Time and Generations.” Held at the Islamic Institute of Banten (IAIB) Mosque in Serang City, the event aimed to foster religious moderation, nationalism, and tolerance among youth from diverse religious backgrounds.

The theme of “Glocalverse”—defined as a fusion of global and local perspectives on Wasatiyyah, or Islamic moderation—served as an educational platform to discuss topics such as radicalism, religious heritage, gender, and digital challenges in today’s interconnected world. Approximately 50 young attendees from religious organizations such as Muhammadiyah Youth, Ansor Youth Movement, and the Christian Youth Association, gathered for sessions designed to promote unity and understanding.

Expert speakers shared insights on these themes, including Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, Dean of UIII’s Faculty of Islamic Studies, and Dr. Endad Musadad, Dean of UIN Banten’s Faculty of Da’wah. Esteemed faculty members from both universities, such as Dr. Helmy Fauzi, Dr. Phil Zacky Umam, and Prof. Syamsul Rijal, also contributed their perspectives.

Interactive sessions included games and ice-breaking activities led by Dr. Yogi Damai Saputra, which helped build mutual respect among participants. This event highlighted the commitment of UIII and UIN Banten to fostering peaceful coexistence and deeper interfaith dialogue among young people, rooted in the idea of Wasatiyyah, which promotes peace and tolerance.

The “Glocalverse” symposium stands as a model for interfaith collaboration and reinforces the values of tolerance and unity. The joint initiative underscores the need for academic institutions to come together to address challenges. By combining UIII's expertise in Islamic studies with UIN Banten's experience in da’wah, both institutions create a robust foundation for promoting Wasatiyyah, that advocates peace, tolerance, and mutual respect.