One Fine Day in Celebrating UIII’s 8th Anniversary

On Saturday, July 6th, 2024, the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) hosted a series of events to celebrate its 8th anniversary. The event gathered together all the UIII academic communities from Rector and other top officials, Deans, lecturers, students and staff members.

The day started with the health awareness campaigns where UIII officials, staff and students flocked to the yard of UIII Rectorate Building to perform morning exercises and aerobics in collaboration with professional instructors from the area. Upbeat music filled the atmosphere, meeting with the enthusiastic yells from the participants who danced their bodies in rhymes with joy. 

After the exercises, the event continued with the fun walk where the participants walked around the UIII green campus, starting from the UIII Three Pillar Plaza, heading to the UIII Residence, Students’ Apartments, Faculty Buildings, and ending up at the UIII Rectorate Building. 

Near the lake behind the UIII Rectorate Building, the participants continued with the tree planting activity, where the UIII Rector, top officials, deans, lecturers, staff, and students planted dozens of trees as part of a green movement campaign aimed at fostering UIII as a green campus. 

The event ended in the Procession Hall, where all participants gathered for a slametan (thanksgiving) ceremony, where the UIII Rector, accompanied by UIII top officials and deans, performed potong tumpeng—an Indonesian tradition of slicing the yellow rice platter in the shape of an inverted cone as a symbol of gratitude and reflection. 

“Let’s celebrate the 8th Anniversary of our university. This university is a symbol of the power of ideas. We started with a 5-pages of proposal, which was further approved by the president of the republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. This sends us a message that if you had an idea, do not hesitate to speak up and make it happen,” UIII Rector Professor Jamhari said during his speech. 

UIII was established on June 29th, 2016, based on Presidential Decree No. 57 Year 2016. As part of the National Strategic Project, UIII is entrusted with diplomatic missions, transcending its role from a mere educational institution to representing Indonesia on the global stage in promoting moderate and peaceful Islam.  

Currently, UIII offers 11 Master and PhD programs in four faculties, namely Faculty of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, and Faculty of Education. It hosts a total of 354 students including 124 foreign students from 31 countries in Asia, Africa and America.