Harmony in Knowledge: UIII's Inclusive Oasis for Women Intellectuals

December 20, 2023

Contributor: Nouha Khelfa | Editor: Supriyono

UIII.AC.ID, DEPOK - With the spirit of inclusivity in higher education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) aims to be a place where it is safe for every individual regardless of their background, including gender. UIII, founded on moderate Islamic principles, provides an environment where female students can develop intellectually while feeling secure in their pursuit of knowledge.

With its inclusive nature and religious moderation principles, UIII become a haven for female students seeking to develop both academically and personally. In particular, female students find comfort in an environment that values their unique views and celebrates their individuality with no restrictions on physical appearance.

Zainab Manzoor, a Pakistani student, explains how she could be true to herself without being afraid of people’s judgment while pursuing an MA program at the Faculty of Social Sciences. “I have the freedom to wear anything; no one discusses or judges you on your religion. Humanity is what matters [here],” Zainab expressed.

As its feature, UIII aims to promote the principles of Islamic moderation in its education philosophy. In this light, it is geared towards instilling critical thinking, tolerance, and respect for other people’s opinions based on Islamic teachings. By promoting religious moderation, UIII ensures that students receive an education rooted in Islamic values without the imposition of radical ideologies, fostering an environment conducive to intellectual growth.

As gender equality concerns continue to loom large, UIII is making efforts to preserve the rights and interests of female students. The university has made certain policies that are aimed at ensuring that female scholars will always have the same chances of success as their male colleagues. This ranges from equal access to resources, opportunities, and facilities to a secure campus for women’s empowerment initiatives.

“I have a great experience here at UIII when it comes to safety. Here, we girls feel very safe; we can go out on the roads without being scared of any kind of harassment. I [have been] here for three weeks, and I have never had any difficulty in university being a girl. People here are very respectful,” Zainab added.

UIII recognizes the importance of creating safe spaces where female students can talk freely, engage intellectually, and challenge societal norms. The university actively promotes an atmosphere of respect, where differences are embraced and ideas are exchanged freely. Female students at UIII also get support in their academic pursuits as well as in personal and spiritual growth.

Concurring with Zainab’s statement, Adila Haidary, an Afghani student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, expressed her feeling of inclusion and safety at UIII. She testified that UIII is committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and secure environment to all students, particularly women.

“UIII has a diversified environment, and it recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion and tries to build and create the environment where all students feel welcome regardless of their gender and religion,” Adila said.

Education is a powerful tool to empower women. UIII offers many academic programs so that women can be prepared for different careers. In addition, the emphasis on Islamic values and moderation gives a unique point of view that inspires female students to become positive agents of change in their surroundings and beyond.

UIII demonstrates the beautiful harmony between Islamic values and inclusivity. UIII is a safe space for female students where they can grow intellectually, fostering an environment that acknowledges all religions but upholds Islamic moderation. This approach develops the girls personally and academically while at the same time remaining a source of pride for institutions struggling to combine conservatism with development.