Sampoerna University Rector Visits UIII to Strengthen Academic Collaboration

July 31, 2024

Contributor: Dadi Darmadi | Editor: Supriyono

DEPOK - On July 30, 2024, UIII welcomed Dr. Wahdi Salasi April Yudhi, Rector of Sampoerna University, along with a delegation of esteemed faculty members, to discuss and solidify future collaborations between the two institutions. The visit took place at the UIII Rectorate Building and aimed to explore opportunities for academic cooperation in various fields.

Dr. Wahdi Salasi was accompanied by Dr. Antonius Torang P. Siahaan, Dean of the Faculty of Business; Dr. Ade Iva Murty, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Dr. CIW Eka Budiartha, Dean of the Faculty of Education; Dr. Andi Musroh, Head of the Psychology Program, and Dian Mayasari, Rectorate Staff from Sampoerna University. 

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The Sampoerna University delegation was warmly received by Prof. Dr. Jamhari, Rector of UIII. The welcoming committee also included Drs. M. Rifqi Muna, MdefStu., PhD, Chair of the Academic Senate; Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, MA, Vice Rector for Academic, Student Affairs, and Human Resources; the Director of the Central Library; and several Deans from UIII.

The discussions centered around potential collaborations in the fields of teaching, research, and innovation. Both institutions expressed a keen interest in developing joint academic programs, student internships, and research projects. Additionally, there was a strong emphasis on collaborative efforts in academic publications and journal contributions. 

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Dr. Wahdi Salasi highlighted the unique opportunities that both universities could leverage through collaboration. "Our institutions may have different market niches, but that doesn't mean we can't collaborate. There is immense potential for joint efforts in digital marketing, finance, and sustainability approaches," he stated.

Specific areas of cooperation discussed included Islamic finance and halal food industries, where both universities see significant potential for joint research and development. 

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Prof. Dr. Jamhari expressed his optimism about the partnership, stating, "We are excited about the possibilities that this collaboration with Sampoerna University presents. By working together, we can enhance our academic offerings and contribute to innovative solutions in various fields."

The visit concluded with a public lecture by Dr. Ade Iva Murty, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at UIII's LunchTalk program at FoE.  This visit marks a significant step towards strengthening the academic ties between UIII and Sampoerna University, promising a future of shared knowledge, resources, and innovative initiatives.