Dec 07
It is with great pride and joy that we present this heartfelt poem, originally composed in Arabic by the distinguished scholar, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Rougi, the former President of the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco—widely recognized as the world’s oldest university. Written in honor of the Indonesian International Islamic...
Jul 26
The 2023 film 'Oppenheimer', directed by Christopher Nolan, provides a profound exploration of the theme of the power of knowledge. The movie, based on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the theoretical physicist pivotal in developing the first nuclear weapons, offers a rich tapestry of insights into the transformative and destructive...
Dec 24
The Central Library Unit of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) held a Friendsraising Cultural Night event to broaden connections between the UIII cultural center and stakeholders. This activity was attended by all of the UIII civitas academica, the Director General of Islamic Education from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of...
Oct 10
UIII.CO.ID, DEPOK - Raden Franki Suryadarma Notosudirdjo, also known as Franki Raden, received his PhD in ethnomusicology with minors in performance art and Southeast Asian studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, he is serving as a consultant at the Cultural Center of the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia...