DEPOK, Indonesia — Against the backdrop of Setu Pangarengan’s serene waters, nestled within the expansive campus of the Indonesian International...
DEPOK - This year, the Festival Ciliwung featured discussions on community-based waste management and the economic opportunities arising from...
Depok, Indonesia – Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) is taking significant strides toward achieving Integrity Zone (Zona Integritas)...
A day after holding a specialized dialogue on Palestine, UIII hosted another significant event addressing the plight of Ukraine’s Indigenous...
Depok, December 17, 2024 — The Palestinian national anthem echoed powerfully through the halls of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII)...
‘Is it halal to eat food contaminated with toxic material?’ This was the provocative question raised by Wietske Merison during her talk at...
Bhinneka tunggal ika tan hana dharma mangrwa
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. First and foremost, my humble greetings and grandiose congratulations to the Class of 2024! I warmly welcome your dearest friends and families joining you on this high-spirited day. Ladies and gentlemen, your dedication and enthusiasm
UIII has designed the curriculum in each department by referring to academic benchmarks, which have become the norms in leading general higher education institutions.